Updated November 17, 2020 by Clarisse
Are you looking for ways to achieve freedom and travel the world, but you have no idea where to begin? Sometimes, the secret lies in starting with the tough questions to ask yourself.
Let me help you out with these in-depth journal prompts that will jump-start your journey.
As you may know, this platform is made to help the budding travelers and freedom seekers of the world.
If that‘s you, you’ve come to the right place.
There’s no better way to discover yourself and what you truly want in life than a list of questions to ask yourself. The prompts below will help you recognize your dreams and dig deep down into what you need to do to achieve them.
Make sure to journal down your answers. Look over what your answers are every now and then.
See what has changed and what remains constant.
This will help you achieve your travel goals faster and the freedom you’ve been waiting for.
I honestly didn’t know how much journaling would change everything. Sometimes, you need to ask yourself the tough questions and answer them earnestly.
Writing things down made a world of difference in my life. I hope that these guided prompts will help you figure things out as you become one step closer to your dream life.
Questions to Ask For Those Who Want Freedom
What does freedom mean to me?
Freedom can mean different things to everyone.
I want to encourage you to think about what it would personally mean to you for this exercise. Does it mean that you are no longer working a desk job? Or could it mean that you are no longer working for someone else? Do you want to be an entrepreneur or want to find passive income ideas?
Does freedom mean that you can live anywhere in the world without much of a plan? Or could it mean that you have a yacht on an island and are living the life, much like you won the lottery?
Could it simply mean that you want financial freedom? Whatever this question means to you, make sure to picture it in your head. Then, write down everything that pops up.
What does the life I want to have in 5 years look like?
Yes, five years seem like a long time from now, but in reality, time flies.
Be honest with yourself, and take this from the point of view of where you are currently at. If you are still a college student, what will happen after graduation?
If you are a recent grad, what kind of jobs are you looking into, and where do you want this career to take you?
Now, if you are an adult already working, what kind of life are you trying to build with the current work you are doing?
See yourself years from now, and compare it to what you are doing with your day-to-day.
Afterward, answer this question:
Does what I’m doing at this moment fall in line with what I’m trying to achieve in the future?
What quote am I going to live by today that reflects where I want to be?
Pick one quote, daily or weekly, and try to live by that quote for that specific timeline.
To be honest, a few quotes in my life have stuck with me. I use these all the time, within that specific moment, to get closer to my goals in life.
Do I love the job that I’m doing right now?

This one is a pretty straightforward question. You don’t even have to dig deep to see if the job you’re doing is a passion of yours.
Do you look forward to going to your job 90% of your days? Do you see yourself doing this line of work for years to come? If the answer is yes, then I would say you’re on the right path.
If the opposite is true, then I would say that it’s time to reevaluate life. Dreading your daily commute and the thought of Monday’s making you sick are signs that you hate your job.
Is the work that I’m doing right now going to propel me to my dream life?
I know that not everything will be a dream job, but you do have to start somewhere.
Is there an alignment between your dream life, aka your future, and the current path you’re on, aka the present?
Focus on what’s inside the life you want 3-5 years from now. Write them down on a piece of paper. Then, list out what you’re currently doing and if there is a trajectory path to your real goals in life.
If the dream is to travel the world, but you’re at a desk job, reevaluate what kind of desk job you’re doing.
Ask yourself, can this type of work lead to becoming a digital nomad?
What can I do starting today to help achieve my goals in life?
Right now, what are some things that you can do every day that will help you take one more step towards your dreams?
This question is one of the most important to ask yourself. Moreso, this is especially true in the early stages of your discovery of life to freedom.
Think about this and learn to spend some time with yourself. Once you figure things out, make a promise to yourself that will help propel you to where you need to be.
Make the promise to do whatever it takes. This means that you should set time aside every day for the tasks that will propel you to achieve your goals.
If it helps, start with 5-10 minutes and work your way up. A little bit of time here and there will add up in no time.
Do I have a plan that lays out how I’m going to get to where I want to be?
It is super important to make a plan when you have a goal in mind. Dreams don’t happen overnight, and it takes some kind of planning, no matter what.
Take out a piece of pen and paper, and draw a map to your dream life. Then, list out everything that you think it would take to help you get there.
Put out a timeline and keep working on this over time. Before you know it, you’ll be well on your way.
What habits am I establishing right now that will be beneficial for me in the future?
To continue the point above, create and establish certain habits to help you with your tasks.
Spend 5 minutes each day, and force yourself to do those things, even if it’s something you don’t want to do initially.
I know that the word “force” can be a bit too much, but take this as the kick in the pants you need to get started.
Motivate yourself to start.
You’ll thank yourself later.
Questions to Ask For Those Who Want to Travel The World
If I were to travel for a long time, what would it look like?

This question is more specific on what your life would look like if you were to travel the world long-term.
Can you imagine yourself staying in hostels or Airbnbs? What kind of foods are you eating? What kind of countries are you traveling to? Are you into exotic places and being around nature?
The picture above is from my room when I was completing my second-year visa work for my gap year! This was what my life looked like for 7 months.
Do you prefer third-world countries or more developed ones where the water is safe to drink?
An even more important question is, where can your passport take you?
These are a few additional questions that should pop into your mind when answering the main one above.
What is the biggest barrier for me to travel long-term?
The most significant barrier doesn’t necessarily have to be about money.
Are there any visa restrictions in place for the countries you want to go to? Do you have any fears or questions that you would like answered first before jumping in?
As for money, don’t let it be a one-word answer. Get down to the underlying cause of why money is a barrier.
Do you not have any savings, or do you not make enough? Are there people in your life you’re supporting, or is it just you?
Take your time with this question. As you look deeper, you’ll find that there are roots to everything. The key is to see what’s stopping you from traveling long-term.
You should also highly consider your priorities and your true desires in life.
How can I overcome these barriers? What is my first step?
To be honest, you’ve already done the first step, which is thinking about these things seriously.
Think of the root problems we talked about before this question. Then ask yourself, what are the steps I need to take to overcome it.
If it’s fear of the unknown, then ask your questions to someone who can provide that support.
You can go to online forums, read more travel blogs, or even ask me on my Instagram or Twitter page. Send me a direct message, and I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Now, if the problem is money, you can start a travel budget. You can also create a timeline that’s realistic to your lifestyle that will help create the life you want.
Remember, the solution to your problems should be unique to you. Everyone has their circumstances in life.
You need to create solutions that match your lifestyle.
What budgeting platform do I have in place to be able to travel full-time?
This goes in line with the prompt above. Your most significant barrier may not be money, but you do still need to have a budgeting plan when you travel. Otherwise, the money you have saved up may not last as long as you thought it would.
Think about the things you want to do, and where you want to be.
Are you in an expensive country and do all of the expensive tours? Or do you want to be in a relatively affordable part of the world and live a modest lifestyle?
You should also consider airline tickets, travel insurance, and other travel-related expenses.
Are there any online jobs that I can do to sustain a digital nomad lifestyle?
Look up online jobs that you can do to sustain the lifestyle you want. Try to accumulate the skillsets you’ll need to do these types of work for about a year or two.
You’ll be amazed at what you can do with enough focus and determination.
There are plenty of resources that will help you through this process. But, make sure that the jobs you pick are in line with your passion and things you are good at.
What can I do right now that will help me fulfill my travel goals?
Combine everything you’ve learned and written down from these prompts and get to work.
The small things add up over time and you never know how much it will impact your life in the future.
So yes, start today, in fact, right now. There’s no better time to work on your dreams than the present.
Freedom + Travel
So why did I create prompts regarding freedom and travel? What do they have to do with each other?
That’s a great question.
I did this on purpose because traveling gives you freedom and freedom allows you to travel. They go hand-in-hand with each other.
As you may know, LiveLifeOTBP is founded on the principles of discover life, explore the world.
You need to start with your mindset, putting everything together for yourself. Discover what you want in life and how to achieve those goals. Then afterward, you’ll be on your way to freedom and world exploration.
Our mission is to help out the budding travelers and freedom seekers of the world. That mission includes helping people carve their path. As well as give them the resources they need to seek out their dreams and live the amazing life they want.
I hope that the above questions will help you discover yourself. Remember, this comes first.
Everything you do in life always starts from within.
Life teaches us so many things, and this is one of those where you can truly evaluate life.
Take the time today to learn more about yourself and the world.