Updated November 1, 2020 by Clarisse
There are many things to be grateful for in our lives. I hope that the list below will serve as a reminder of the moments where we can find thankfulness in our hearts.
The moments in our life, especially the small ones, are often taken for granted. We need to see that these times are often the most special.
I have always been blessed as a child, with many people around that love me. Although, I never truly became aware of all the things that I am grateful for until only a few years ago.
Now, I make it a priority to say a list of things that I am thankful for every day. This practice has helped center and ground me in the things that I do.
Gratitude should be a part of our daily life, so read on and see how we can be thankful for each day.
Grateful For The People in Our Life
1. Family

Families are the ones who are there for us no matter the circumstance. From siblings, cousins, parents, to grandparents, we can always count on them.
2. Friends
The people that came into our lives to become family. The closest of friends will always be there for you. They will celebrate the best of times and will cheer you up through the challenging times.
3. The Random People We’ve Met
These are the people we’ve encountered throughout the journey in our life. They have made a difference, even in the tiniest bit.
4. Parents
This one, while part of family, does require a special mention. Always be grateful for your parents who are there for you. Remember, most of them have made sacrifices to give you the life that you have. I know mine has and I’ll be forever thankful.
5. Mentors, Teachers, and Those Who Taught Us
Be thankful to those who taught you various things when you were growing up. Even to this day, we have people that we look up to and keep learning from. Don’t forget that they’ve made a big difference in your life.
6. Pets

Your furry friends are always there for you and will put a smile on your face at all times. I am grateful to have my doggie best friend to go through life with.
Appreciate the Little Moments
7. Nice and Cozy Rainy Days
Cuddle up with a warm blanket and a nice book. Be appreciative of these days where you can feel comfortable inside your house.
8. Listening to Music
Music soothes the soul and is one of the best things to have in life. Don’t forget this one when creating your list of things to be grateful for.
9. Rainbows
Who doesn’t love seeing a rainbow every now and then? I love that these are rare and can only be seen after the rain and when the sun is shining.
10. Cooking Your Own Meals
Cooking your food in the comfort of your own home is one of those moments that should be appreciated more often.
11. Smores Over a Campfire

A fun activity that you can do with your family or friends while camping. I’ll never forget the memories I’ve had while out in the woods.
12. Hugs and Kisses
The tiny hugs and kisses we receive throughout the day are special. Don’t let those moments slip by without acknowledging their meaning in your life.
13. Special Occasions
Celebrating special times with people closest to you is something to be thankful for. Don’t let your birthday or Christmas go by without letting the people you love know that you appreciate them.
14. Good Night’s Sleep
Many people struggle to get a decent amount of sleep at night. Count your blessings when you have one of those. You know, the ones where you feel relaxed and rejuvenated when you wake up the next morning.
15. Jokes and Laughter
Laughter shared with those around you is one of the greatest experiences in life. After all, laughter protects the heart and is one of the best natural medicines around.
16. Enjoying Your Hobbies
Being able to do the things you’re passionate about is a good thing. Enjoy the hobbies that you have and live a life that you’re happy with.
17. Lighting Candles and Incense
Filling your home with an aroma that helps you enjoy the ambiance and relax is perfect. This is a great example of the little moments we forget to be thankful for in our everyday lives.
18. Storytime with Grandparents
Their stories are full of history, filled with unique and exciting adventures. Don’t miss out on these while they’re still alive. If not, have your mom or dad tell you stories.
These are the precious moments you won’t forget and will cherish a lifetime.
19. Mom’s Home Cooked Meal
There’s nothing like a home-cooked meal made by your mom. As we grow older, we don’t necessarily have these as often anymore.
Make sure when the moment comes around to thank her while being grateful for the experience.
20. Compliments We Receive
There is nothing better than having our day made because a small compliment was said to us. Appreciate the people who took the time to acknowledge something wonderful about you.
21. Seeing Snow and Making a Snowman
Not too many people are fortunate enough to see and build a snowman during winter. Don’t forget to count those blessings that you’re able to experience in your life normally.
22. Small Wins and Successes
Remember, no matter how small, these everyday moments in our life are some of the best parts. Celebrate your wins and successes no matter how little they may seem to you.
Glad for the Things in Our Lives
23. Roof Over Our Head
There’s always something to be thankful for in having a house to come back to every night. Remember, not everyone in the world is lucky enough to have this basic necessity.
24. Clothing
Always set aside a space to be grateful for the clothes and shoes you wear. Not only are we fortunate enough to have a few, but most of us in the world can choose the type of fashion that suits us best.
25. Sweets

There’s always something about having a sweet tooth. Desserts a great little treat to indulge in every now and then. This is a perfect example of being thankful for the little things in life.
26. Gadgets that Make Our Life Easier
Technologies, including cell phones, laptops, and e-books, have made our lives easier. Remember that life wasn’t always as advanced as we are today.
27. Hot Water
Most people in this world don’t know how lucky they are to have a water heater. Plenty of people grow up and have to take cold showers every day.
Please know that if you have access to clean hot water that you are one lucky duck.
28. Having Multiple Choices
How many of us take for granted the amount of Oreo flavors available to us? Many other things allow us these many options, but I thought this illustrates the point best.
29. Comfy Bed and Blankets
We’re very fortunate to have multiple blankets and a comfortable bed in our house. Don’t let this slip away from your daily gratitude list.
30. Books
Books are quite extraordinary. They allow us to learn so much and help us improve our daily lives.
Make it a goal to read at least one book every year, if you’re not on the reading track just yet.
“Sometimes, the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tiptoe if you must, but take the step.”
31. Photographs
Pictures are filled with memories that we will treasure forever. They allow us to reminisce and feel the good times all over again.
32. Postcards, Greeting Cards + Snail Mail

How many of you still get excited when you receive a letter in the mail? Not the junky spam, no, these are the ones you get handwritten from the people that care about you.
I love it every time I get one of these. But more importantly, I like sending them out.
Well, what are you waiting for? This is one of the best ways to show your appreciation to the people in your life.
Thankful for the Ups and Downs
33. Changes in Our Life
There are many changes that we encounter in our daily lives. Please know that change isn’t always a bad thing. More than not, they lead us into the direction that we need to go for us to achieve our goals.
34. Choices We’ve Made
The choices that we’ve made in the past is what guided us to become who we are now. No matter what decisions you’ve made, know that there are reasons for them, even if it’s as simple as learning a lesson.
35. Lessons Learned
To reference the point above, be thankful for all of the lessons you’ve learned along the way. The mistakes you’ve made have helped shape you into becoming a better person. Don’t forget that.
36. Struggles and Heartaches
The struggles we’ve faced in our lives are no doubt the hardest parts. At that moment, it seems as though the world is falling apart. But, as you look back, remember these times are what made you stronger, if you let it.
37. Challenges in Everyday Life
Don’t let the small daily obstacles in your life prevent you from expressing gratitude. In fact, these everyday challenges, when we overcome them, are what become small wins.
38. Redirections in Life
Have you ever had what you thought was a missed opportunity? Instead, think of it to be a redirection in your life.
Remember, when one door closes, there’s another one that’s open, waiting for us to seize the moment presented to us.
Living Life to the Fullest
39. Smile

The smile you have every day is more than enough to be appreciative of life.
PS. There’s always a reason to smile; you just have to find it.
40. For the Better Life We’re Striving For
The opportunities we are presented to create a better life is amazing in and of itself. Remember that when you get the chance to make a choice that will change your life, take it.
41. Good Values
Our values in life matter, as they are what makes up who we are as a person. This is one of those things I’m always grateful to have learned and keep learning to achieve in my lifetime.
42. Travels and Explorations
This list would not be complete without being grateful for the travels and explorations that we can experience. I know that I will be forever thankful for being able to discover the different corners of our world.
43. Nature

In a way, this goes hand in hand with the point above. But, I do feel it needs its own space for this article. Being around nature helps calm the soul and reconnect with the planet.
44. Healthy Life
This is one of the most important things that we have in life. Without our health, nothing else would really exist. Make sure to keep this as one of your top priorities.
45. Financial Freedom
I know this isn’t necessarily true for a lot of people. But remember, if you have the capacity to take care of your needs plus a few of the things you want, you are ahead of most people in the world.
PS. For those of you wanting financial freedom, know that you have to make a conscious effort to achieve this lifestyle.
46. Mind and Heart at Peace
Same as above, to achieve this, we have to make a conscious effort. But I do believe that achieving inner peace is important in life. I am working towards this every day, and a big part of it includes being grateful for everything I have.
47. Positive Vibes
I am fortunate to have an abundance of positive energy around me. Surround yourself with people who will encourage you through life. These are the people closest to you who have the same positive vibrations that you possess.
48. Kindness All-Around
There are plenty of kind-hearted and good-natured people in this world. Remember to be thankful for those who have shown you kindness. Then pay it forward.
“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
49. We are Never Truly Alone
There will always be someone there for us through the good and the bad times. Be appreciative of the people in your life who care for you no matter what.
Remember, these people can be anyone in your life.
“A stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet.”
50. That You are Blessed
Know that you are blessed in so many ways. Keep your chin up, love yourself, and be grateful for all of the beautiful blessings in your life.
How to Be Thankful Everyday
- Appreciate the small things in your life
- Be content with what you currently have
- Acknowledge that you are blessed
- Shift your mindset and the way you think about life
- Surround yourself with positive people who are grateful for the things in their life
- Know that everything begins with you – within yourself
- Live every day to the fullest
- There is always something to be thankful for in each day
Always and Forever Grateful
There are many things that life teaches us, and learning to be grateful for the blessings in our life is one of them. I hope that the list above has helped you recognize the abundance that is present in each day. I know that I am always and forever grateful for everything in my life.
Start today and embrace living a life that’s off the beaten path.
Leave a comment below and let me know what you’re thankful for today.